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Home / Construction and maintenance of bridges and roads

Construction and maintenance of bridges and roads

The activities of the Advanced International Trade Company “AITCO” vary in the construction and maintenance of bridges and tunnels, as well as in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, streets, sidewalks and road supplies.
The company also works in operating sewage treatment networks and facilities, constructing railway lines, extending various types of pipes for electricity, communications, etc., extending oil and gas pipelines, extending water lines between and within cities and creating new networks, as well as in establishing stations and main lines for water distribution, and repair and maintenance. Irrigation and watering canals and main water storage towers.
It also works in the construction, repair and maintenance of electrical power stations and transformers, repair and maintenance of wired and wireless communications stations and towers and radar, construction and establishment of electrical power stations and transformers, establishment and establishment of wired and wireless communications stations and towers and radar,
By applying the latest technologies in the field of construction with the best standards of quality and accuracy.